Sunday, December 11, 2011

December again, winter again.

Had our first significant snow and ice. Ski season starts this week.

Hardy Lettuce and herbs in November

I have alot of respect for crops that can stand a hard frost. Real Buffalonian. Tasty too.

November logging

Had to take down some upwind pines. Hate to cut big trees, but wind storms are getting worse.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Eastern Shore Surf

Harley catches a wave as Andy and I go out for more.

Chincoteaque, Virginia

I enjoyed my coffee while kayaking to the beach every morning.

Downtown Kayaking

Approaching the Commercial Slip at Buffalo Harbor place.


We get some nice views kayaking. This is in Buffalo Harbor.


I probably paid too much, but I bought a second used Carolina 14.5 foot kayak.

Spring Lettuce

We had some very nice lettuce until the July heat wiped it out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Farmstand 2011

We sold most of the lilies, but potential profits were offset by other crop failures. Rain shut us down for one week and sales just stop on the 4th of July. It marks the end of gardening season, apparently.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wettest spring anyone can remember. Can't plow or till yet. Gonna be a tough season like 2009.
Over-wintered green onions going to seed.
Blueberry bushes greening up.
Over-wintered garlic and some fresh arugula sprouts
Chives with over-wintered buttercrunch lettuce. We already had a few salads from here.
Potted lilies, dahlias and other things to sell. Growing well. Some flower buds already showing.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seedlings waiting to go outside when it gets warm.
Still snowing on April 17. Hope this is the last of it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blueberry bushes

You can barely see the bushes and they got a deer pruning despite the electric fence.

Snow is receding

It will be a while before the ground is dry enough to work.


This is what the garlic I planted last fall looks like after having 24 feet of snow on it for 4 months.

Signs of Spring

Spring really isn't here yet, but the geese are. They're circling around trying to decide if they want to land in my pond or the neighbor's.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

View from the front porch

Long winter, long icicles.

Driveway Job

Keeping a long driveway open in the snow belt can be hard work. I never needed a snowblower before.

Snow field

We had a herd of deer grazing and spending the night until the grass was buried too deep.

Buried raised beds.

I left some garlic, green onions and lettuce under there. We were picking until Dec 1st. Will be interesting to see what overwinters.