Sunday, May 18, 2008

4 week olds

Well,at 4 weeks we now only have 3 of the original 6 left. The runt of the litter died the other night. They are driving the mom nuts so I fixed up a cage for them. I keep them in the bucket at night so they stay warm and let them roam in a cage during the day.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

baby bunnies

A closeup of the babies at 2 weeks old.

Mother bunny with babies

These little guys are 2 weeks old today. There were 6 in the batch, but now there are 4. They opened their eyes yesterday. When you put your hand over them, they nibble looking for milk. They already have tiny teeth.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Over 150 years.....

On April 23 our old sugar maples bloomed. Spring is short and quick around here, so you gotta keep watch or you'll miss it. Some people have probably never noticed a maple blossom, so I try to point it out to 'em.

Frogs of Spring

Spring usually arrives on that day in March when you first hear frogs singing in the swamp. This is from April. We cleaned out one of our two little garden ponds to thin out the waterlillies and iris. We counted 8 full size frogs and some very large tadpoles. They were annoyed when we bailed the old water, but don't seem to mind the fresh water we added.